Monday, September 17, 2012

Alcoholism and Nicotine

It is not the first time that I've heard that one drink of alcohol per day can actually help prevent heart attacks in older people. It was hard for me to believe that because I thought "well, alcohol is bad and a lot of people become alcoholics that may lose everything in this world just as long as they have an alcoholic drink in their hands." I thought they just meant whichever form of alcohol instead in the book I read that 'a glass of certain wines can help prevent heart attacks in older people.' This made more sense for me, of course. Alcohol is known to be the most abused drug by many people. Alcohol in very big quantities impairs judgment leading to unwanted pregnancies, STD's, problems with the law, car accidents, loosing of homes, families and even jobs. I never knew my grandfather but my grandmother always told me stories of how much he drank and smoked on a regular basis. This of course lead to a very unsuccessful marriage for my grandmother and hard times for my mom and her brother, since my grandfather wouldn't stop his drinking, smoking. He drank day and night. When he was less than 50 years old he died because of lung cancer. According to my grandmother, he had begun smoking since he was 11 years old and began drinking at 12 years old because of problems he had at home with his family (or so, I've been told). He was diagnosed with cancer and died just 3 months after that. My grandmother always told me how his lungs were extremely dark and how much agony he went through for 3 months. She also told me, that even when he was diagnosed he still managed to hide a cigarette box in his truck and would still smoke even after he knew he was going to die. I guess this relates to what a drug can do. No matter how much pain and problems one may encounter, their drug is always the solution. Going back to alcohol, even though my grandfather didn't die because he drank too much, I still know that his body probably showed some signs of alcoholism. I also want to point out that his father was a heavy drinker as well. So this leads me to genetics, which probably had a lot to do with the fact that he began drinking at such a young age. It must have been pretty hard to have a dad as a heavy drinker and how random it was that they drank together since he was the only boy in the family. Anyways, I still think that each person decides if they want to follow other people's footsteps or not. My mother witnessed my grandfather's heavy drinking and smoking, and I can say that my mother has never smoked before and has never liked to drink alcohol. She did not inherit my grandfather's tolerance for drinks because when she drinks one glass of wine that is more than enough for her. My uncle on the other side doesn't smoke at all either, but drinks at family events at times without getting drunk or anything. With this said, drug abuse varies from person to person, bottom-line it never has good outcomes, especially when abused.
The following video is pretty straight forward about the effects of alcohol and smoking on the human body:


  1. wooooow!! im really sorry to heat about your grandfathers passing, But you make a good point! The book indicates the son of a alcohol abuser is more prone to abuse alcohol as well. Your case is not the first one i hear about having the same chain of related actions between dad and son. But i do believe we all get to decide what is beneficial for our lives. But i think that the book said even if the son doesn't decide to drink he still carries that gene that has the potential for him to because a alcoholic. It is kinda like cancer, some of might have the gene and not know it, until we trigger it with our choices. great blog! thank you for sharing something personal to you.

  2. I Agree with what you said about alcohol and nicotine addictions could destroy families. It is very sad to see our love ones passed away for something that could've been stop, and it is even more sad to see them destroy thier lives with something they love. My dad smokes too and no matter what you tell them they will always think that nothing will happen to them, because they like what they consume and are addictive to those drugs.

  3. If certain wine consumption means it can help people by one glass a day, what would happen if they drank 10; would they become invincible like Superman? That is true; I had a car accident one because the driver in the other car was drunk off his bum. My mom’s dad was just like that; he would drink heavily and it leads to an abusive life for his family. Alcohol does truly affect people, gravelly. I am like your uncle my dad and his dad too abused of alcohol and smoked a lot. I on the other hand have never smoked nor plan to and only drink but very rarely (I plan to never again though). I think that a DWI should be enough to make someone stop drinking if not the video surely does help in seeing things.

  4. Like most things in life, alcohol comes with a limit. Its true that one glass of red wine can help prevent heart disease, but some alcoholics might take it as an excuse to drink the whole bottle of wine. Alcohol and nicotine when used in excessive consumptions can destroy a person, as well as their loved ones. The story about your grandfather and great grandfather were a great example of this. Thanks for sharing something so personal to you, so we can get a better view as to how alcohol as well as nicotine can affect someone.
