Tuesday, November 27, 2012

A Journey.

As I was getting ready to eat something in the kitchen, I turned the T.V on and the TLC channel was on. They were talking about a girl, Jani, who has schizophrenia and how she constantly talked about numbers as imaginary perhaps, animals. I was sort of confused since I had turned on the T.V after the program had already started. As I tried to keep up with the documentary I could not seem to understand how such a young and beautiful child can have such disorder. I looked at her and it was hard for me to understand that at that age her thoughts are distorted and in her eyes she shows a blank stare with a lot of confusion and indifference.
Schizophrenia- Disorder characterized by hallucinations, delusions, thought disorder therefore deteriorating the ability to function in everyday life. It affects their ability to differentiate between fantasy and reality.
I always wondered what schizophrenia really consists of, and what does a person with schizophrenia see and hear. For a minute I try to imagine it. First of all, I am those kind of people that can only do one thing at a time. I cannot seem to work as efficiently with noise around me than when there is no noise at all. I guess we can say I do not concentrate the same way. Now, someone with schizophrenia constantly has loud voices telling them what to do or just talking all at the same time, and the worst part is that these voices constantly put the person's and other people's lives in danger. Let's also imagine always feeling like someone is out there to get you. We can say that we never feel safe; therefore it is hard for us to function normally because we believe someone is always trying to hurt us. What should a parent do when they find out that their son/daughter suffers from schizophrenia disorder? Get help, get informed, and start treatment. This disorder can be noticeable in the early 20s of their lives. But what happens in the case of childhood onset disorder? Parents have to look for help, and they shall never feel alone for there is a lot of information out there to help and other people going through the same situation. I have never met someone who is schizophrenic, but I went ahead and uploaded a video of Briana. Jani Schofield's case is one of the most heard out cases of childhood onset schizophrenia, but there are also other children, like Briana.

This video gives us a clearer example of schizophrenia, and explains to us how the child's thoughts are distorted. I am trying to learn the most I can so I can be educated enough to help others once I work in my profession.
**In Jani's Journey (link), her story is told in videos, and a book. Check it out if you are interested in learning more about Jani and her story. Briana is Jani's closest friend, so she comes up in a clip. Her story is very interesting.**


  1. I too had heard about janie's case awhile back. I actually think it when in one psy classes and my professor even showed this exact video. Its crazy how this can happen to a person, especially to child. I mean i know that there are some kids who are really out of control so you have to make sure to keep on eye on them, but for kids like Janie, its literally have to be watching them like a hawk. Its incredible how she cant even be in the same room as her own brother. And the fact that the parents had to get a separate apartment in order to keep their children safe. Here is a perfect example of a group of parents that will do absolutely anything for the well being of their children. I wonder if she recognizes whats wrong with her?. As for briana, she seems to have similar symptoms as with janie. They both have tried hitting others and have multiple hallucinations. stabbing her mom with forks and throwing chairs at her? thats crazy. I hope one day we can learn enough about this disorder to maybe prevent it or even cure it. I knows will takes years for this to happen, but more emphasis on research could speed up the process.

  2. wow. It is quite scary to be a parent of a child that can try to kill you any moment of the day, or even herself because of visual hallucinations trying to attack her. unlike janies story, briana has an accumulation of other diagnosis as well, and as the video mentioned, was leading to psychotic episodes . To be honest I'm a greatly perplexed at the rage of severity this disorder has on children and how we must stop this! But i cannot seem to find even a slight idea of why an innocent person must deal with this. It is amazing to see how supporting the parents of the child are, and see, to show her that unconditional love despite the harsh words, tantrums, and attempted murder episodes the child might induce, Unlike janies story, briana is just in the beginning if this disturbing d/o and still has a lot more to develop, so if psychiatrist are able to develop some kind of therapy to help cope with changes, she might have a chance to avoid huge life disturbances and limitations
