Have you ever tried closing one eye at a time? Like, first
you close your right eye with your left eye open and sort of move your mouth
towards the direction of the eye you are closing. Then you try it on the other
eye, you close your left eye with your right eye open. Every person that I have
met is able to do this. Weird because for some reason: I CAN'T!! Since I was a
little girl my sister and brother would tease me because I couldn't close my
right eye while having my left eye open. I close both of them! It is so strange
because my siblings would tell me to practice, practice and more practice until
I was able to do it. Strangely enough until this day I still can't close my
left eye. So this leads me to think about left and right hemisphere and their visual
connections. I am right handed so I would think that I would be able to close
my right eye with no difficulty but the only eye I can close is my left eye.
Any explanations? I've always wondered if it might have something to do with
the left hemisphere controlling my right side, while my right hemisphere
controls my left side. Why can others do it and not me?
I now know that yes my left hemisphere controls my right
side, and vice versa. When it comes to my vision, I came to realize that the
visual information from each of the optic nerves, gets processed by both
hemispheres, but the process of visual input comes from the opposite half of
the visual field! What is that? Well, the visual field is the physical
environment that can be perceived by a stable eye. Basically, as I've heard
before: The left hemisphere sees the right side of the world and the right
hemisphere sees the left side of the world. It appears to me as if the visual
connection to the hemispheres in the brain tends to be a little more complicated
than other parts of the body.

This picture shows what I mean when I talk about the visual field (this link gives an short description about visual field testing) being processed by the opposite left visual cortex and the right visual
yes, the right hemisphere to our brain views the left visual field and the left hemisphere of our brain views the right visual field. I've never heard of a person that wasn't able to close their right eye, and you are my first! I consider being a real unique thing! It awesome that you looks into it and were able to find a reason why you do it. I find it amazing that our brain wired so dynamically with our body to make us function the way we do! awesome blog!
ReplyDeleteThat is strange! Maybe its just a problem with controlling your eye lid muscle. I'm sure both hemispheres send the signal to close one eye and have the other remain open. Maybe the neurons attached the right eye lid muscle aren't producing enough acetylcholine so it can attach to the receptors at the neuromuscular junction. Who knows! Your picture explained very well how the neurons of one hemisphere controls half of each eye. Like i mentioned maybe its more problems on controlling your muscles instead of your vision, unless of course it is as well. Then there might be a problem starting from the left hemisphere of the brain.
ReplyDeleteI can’t do that either, guess we are above special. Try closing one eye by closing it with your hand and then do the same to the other maybe that can help. It’s because you are more special than them that you can’t do that; maybe you can do something they can’t.